Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Shed or Not to Shed

Dear Sammy,

Help! I’m having a fashion problem. I have always been the most beautiful cat in the house. You would not believe how gorgeous I am., big expressive green eyes, and the longest, softest fur on the planet. Lately, though, the unspeakable has been happening. I don’t know if I can even write it, it’s so unbelievable. I’ll just bite the bullet and say it. My lovely fur has been falling out. I don’t mean the regular springtime shedding, but everywhere I walk, I leave a trail of fur. Heaven forbid I ever commit a crime, the fur trail would lead right back to me. So far, I’m still beautiful, but I’m afraid if this continues, I’ll (gulp) have a bald spot! Oh please Sammy, help me before it’s too late.

Gorgeous in Gaston

Dear Gorgeous,

Never fear. I looked at your enclosed picture (thank you very much, it now hangs on my wall) and you will always be the most lovely feline in your household. Those eyes and that face send shivers up my spine.

That said, I know a cat as lovely as you is very concerned with taking care of her luxurious coat. There are a few reasons you may be losing your fab fur. Has there been any recent additions to your household, a new kitten or, heaven forbid, a puppy? You may be allergic to the little pest. While getting rid of the offending creature would be best, your person probably won’t go for that. Your best bet is to avoid the newcomer, and make sure he knows not to mess with your stuff. It it’s not a new roommate, it may still be an allergy. People don’t seem to realize that we felines are very sensitive creatures. Any little change can upset our delicate system. My advice is to first, take a nap to calm your nerves, then think back to when the symptoms started. What changed? Did you human change your food, wash your beds with a new detergent, start using a new rug cleaner, change your brand of litter? Any little change could be the cause of your unfortunate condition. Whatever is new, avoid it!. But, don’t blame your person, she’s just trying to help. For some strange reason, people like to mix things up and try new things. They’ll never learn.

Hope you’re back in tip top shape soon.


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