Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lazy Legs

Dear Sammy,

I think I may be allergic to my people. Every time they come near me, my legs collapse and I end up on my back. I worry it may be a problem with my stomach because as soon as someone rubs it, everything is fine again. Is it possible to be allergic to people? It only happens when one or both of my people are in the room with me, and it happens with both of them. Right now, it only happens when I’m safely inside, but I’m concerned that it may get worse. What happens if my legs suddenly give out when I’m chasing a bird, or worse, being chased by that big dog next door? If it gets worse, could I end up paralyzed.

Have you ever heard of this malady before?

Worried in Weimar

Dear Worried,

You can stop fretting. You don’t have some mysterious disease. It’s not a disease, nor is it mysterious. On the contrary, it’s quite common in cats who have good homes. You have what is known as RMBS, or Rub My Belly Syndrome. When someone you love approaches, your body reacts to what you want without you having to think about it, and what you want is a good belly rub. You’re never disappointed, are you? It’s a scientific fact that people cannot walk by a furry tummy without giving it a good rub. They are complementary instincts that have developed in cats and people over millions of years.

Don’t worry that it will happen at an awkward time. You will only experience this reaction when you are in a secure place, so roll over and enjoy it. It’s nothing but good. You get a good belly rub, and the bond between you and your people gets stronger.



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