Dear Sammy,
I’m having some personal space issues with my person. I have my nap spots, and usually she’s very respectful of my territorial rights. When I’m using a chair, she’ll sit somewhere else. She keeps two pillows on the bed, so we both have our own. My end of the sofa if mine alone, and I’ve never caught her on my climbing tree. The problem is the dining room chair. I have my favorite chair – it’s just my size, has the right amount of cushion, and has a nice indentation in the middle that’s perfect to curl up in. Apparently, it’s her favorite chair, too.
When she wants the chair, she doesn’t hesitate to shove me to the back and sit down. Now, I don’t mind sharing a lap from time to time, but this invades my personal space. That is to say, this chair’s not big enough for the two of us. Sometimes, she even has the nerve to pick me up and move me somewhere else, today alone, she moved me three times! I say that’s taking advantage of her bigger size.
How to get her to stop? After all, there are three other chairs at the table.
Bothered in Bowman
Dear Bothered,
I’m afraid you may have to give in on this one. People in general are not very territorial when it comes to cats. We are just so adorable when we’re napping, they would rather sit somewhere else than disturb us. It’s a survival thing. There is an exception, however, and that is their eating chair. Once a person picks a place to eat, it takes a major event to get them to change. Notice when they have guests to dinner, they will still sit in the same chairs and direct their guests to the unused ones.
In this case, you’ll have to take your own advice, and use one of the other three, unless you like the extra attention and aggravation. Don’t look at this as defeat. You can still win the war. Except for that one chair, you can still claim any other piece of furniture with your cuteness. The next time she heads for her favorite easy chair, beat her to it and get into your cutest position. If it looks like she’s still going to try and sit down, a plaintive mew will usually make her choose another seat. Do this just enough times to show her who’s boss, and it should ease the pain of losing one small battle.
Stay seated,
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