Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Scratching Post by Any Other Name, Is Still as Scratching Post

Dear Sammy,

My person is giving me mixed messages, and it is very confusing. You know how important it is for us to keep our claws nice and sharp. Even though I’m an indoor cat, you never know when a dangerous animal will break in and I have to protect my home. Besides, I get much better traction on the rug with sharp claws, in the rare event I have to make a quick retreat. The problem is, the house is just filled with great claw sharpeners, some of my favorites being the leather sofa and that desk with the cute curved legs. There are some rope thingys that work pretty good, too. The problem is, sometimes my person calls me “good kitty,” and sometimes she calls me “stop that!” I can’t tell if she wants me to keep my claws in shape or not. Could it just be mood swings? Do you have any advice on how I can keep my person happy and stay well groomed?

Confused in Citrus Heights

Dear Confused,

While frustrating, you’ll be happy to hear this is not an uncommon problem. For some unknown reason, people tend to become overly attached to pieces of furniture. No one knows why they are protective of some pieces, but don’t even seem to care about others. For us, it becomes a case of “in sight” and “out of sight” scratching. It’s perfectly ok to use anything available for pedicures, but remember, timing is everything. For those “stop that!” pieces of furniture, save your usage for when your person is out of the room, or even better, out of the house. It’s not so much that she doesn’t want you to use them, it’s just that she doesn’t want to see you doing it.

There is one hard and fast rule with people when it comes to claw shar4pening. Never use anyone’s leg, not matter how tempting the cashmere pants.

Here’s to an end to the mixed messages.


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